Why I Tweet and Share

walking texting symb

With all the info floating around I find myself reaching for my smartphone, opening twitter or Facebook, you know the government creation with all your information and locations, they’ve even compared the method used in Facebook to the method used to captured saddam hussein, they knew where all his friends an family lived only a matter of time we’ll stake him out, so why use such a privacy killing device?, some just for silly videos, other(me)critique social issues, share important information others may or may not have seen yet, this new phenomenon called Social Media is a curious one, on the one hand it’s the key to a real bridging in democratic unity,   but these devices been transformed to a modern day new television type instrument of media, the worst part is it consist of people like you and me so that makes the stories and tweets a little more probable,I once commented on a post on Facebook where an article was simply posted, the poster didn’t comment until I  did, I was only pointing out to her that by posting questionable stories she would only hurt the credibility of the site, she blasted me , saying “how tired she was of people like myself”, WHAT? tired of people who seek truth and knowledge.  S0 now we have a sharing of information some true some not, Marshal Mcluhan once said the powers to be will flood the new form of media with information so much so it would be hard to decipher the truth from the fiction.  So to sum it up why i tweet and share/ it’s to seek out and pass on important occurrences,events and information.




Categories: LIFESTYLE

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